Media Bias Will Eventually Lead To Ruin

Statue of Robert E. Lee and at the center of the controversy.
The words “Black Lives Matter” can still be faintly read at the
base of the statue. The statue was vandalized in June of 2015.
In 2016, Charlottesville's Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy began a movement to have the statue removed, along with other Confederate monuments. In March of 2016, he held a news conference announcing the City Council would appoint a commission to review and discuss the issue.
The special commission was formed in May of 2016. Later that year it recommended that the statue should either be moved or modified with the inclusion of new accurate historical information. But in February of 2017 the City Council voted to remove the statue instead. Opponents of the plan immediately sued, arguing the city did not have the authority to remove the statue under state law. The court case is ongoing.
In June of 2017, the City Council renamed Lee Park, where the statue is located, to Emancipation Park.

Friday, August 11th, 2017
The protest began on Friday, August 11th. It was obvious to all that violence was about to erupt. Both sides had pepper spray, lighter fluid, shields, and clubs. The protest continued into Saturday, August 12th. Despite outbreaks of violence between the two groups the police stood by and did nothing.

Mug shot of James Alex Fields
Later in the day President Trump interrupted a signing ceremony at the Veteran's Administration and made the following statement:
"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides"
Critics of the president and many members of the mainstream media immediately jumped into action and lambasted the president. Why didn't he denounce the alt-right and white nationalist organizations? On CNN political commentator Ana Navarro demanded President Trump denounce white supremacist hate groups and call them out by name.
Virtually every mainstream media outlet ran stories about President Trump's (perceived) failure in addressing the violence in Virginia. On August 14th President Trump revised and reinforced his previous statement, and directly called out white nationalist groups.
"Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs. Including the KKK, neo-nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups..."
It's hard to know if Ana Navarro directly impacted this second statement by the president, but it is likely. She is a republican strategist, woman of color, and a conservative. She is well-respected in conservative circles.
Protests rooted in hate are nothing new. This has happened before, in our very recent past. Let's take a look at how our former president handled a similar situation.
In 2014 and 2015 during protest marches by Black Lives Matter, protesters directly called for violence against police.
"What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want it? Now!"
Black Lives Matter march on December 13, 2014 in New York City
"Pigs in a blanket fry em like bacon!"
Black Lives Matter march on August 29, 2015 in Minnesota
How did then President Obama react to these stunning and overt calls to violence?
On October 22nd, 2015 after both of the above events, President Obama defended Black Lives Matter.
In February of 2016 President Obama met with Black Lives Matter leaders at the White House. Both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton also met with leaders from the movement.
On July 13th, 2016 President Obama met again with activists from the Black Lives Matter movement at a forum on policing. CNN covered the story in a very positive light.
There was no media outrage when President Obama failed to denounce the calls to violence of Black Lives Matter. There was no media outrage when President Obama defended the Black Lives Matter movement. There was no media outrage when President Obama met with activists from the organization 2 times.
What do you think would happen if President Trump spoke about white nationalist groups in the same way President Obama speaks of Black Lives Matter? Of course he would never do that, but this is just further evidence of the rampant bias that runs throughout the mainstream media.
If you're a liberal, you get a pass. If you're a conservative, you will be thrashed, vilified, and excoriated.
Get the politics out of the media. You are failing 1/2 of this country. You are failing in your constitutional duty. Stop favoring liberals and persecuting conservatives. If the mainstream media continues down this path it will cause irreparable harm to our country.