1 1/4 C. Water (Warm)
2 T. Margarine
5 t. Sugar
3/4 t. Salt
2 1/2 t. Yeast (1 pack)
1 T. Flour
3 1/4 C. Flour
1. Mix butter, sugar, salt into warm water.
2. Stir in 1 T flour and yeast.
3. Wait 5 minutes. Make sure the yeast bubbles. If it does not, the yeast is bad (dead).
4. Slowly mix flour (3 1/4 Cups) into the yeast mixture.
5. Stir thoroughly. Knead on a bread board.
6. Continue to knead. Add 1 tablespoon of flour at a time until the dough is no longer sticky.
7. Mix a little butter and oil, coat a bowl. Put the dough into the bowl and cover with a wet towel. Let it rise to two times its size (about 45 minutes). 8. Punch the dough down. Shape it into a loaf pan.
9. Let bread rise to top of loaf pan.
10. Bake at 375°F for 50 minutes, or until bottom sounds hollow when thumped.