According to a Fox News analysis of First Lady personnel reports, during President Barack Obama's first year in office, 16 people were on the First Lady's payroll, earning a combined total of $1.24 million a year. This year, Melania Trump has just 4 employees with a combined salary of $486,700.
As with all things that she does, she is being very deliberate in her hiring, focusing on quality over quantity,” communications director Stephanie Grisham said in an email to Fox News. “It is important to her that the team is a good fit for what she wants to accomplish as first lady, and that everyone works well together. She also wants to be mindful and responsible when it comes to taxpayer money.”
The full details are available via annual reports the White House sends to Congress each year, showing names, titles, and salaries of all staff employees. A few of the additional positions Michelle Obama's staff included were: additional press aides, a personal aide, a traveling aide, a director of policy and projects, and a director of correspondence.
Michelle Obama's office failed to return a request for comment.

Michelle Obama Staff Salaries in 2009
Susan S. Sher
Assistant to the president and chief of staff to the first lady
Jocelyn C. Frye
Deputy assistant to the president and director of policy and projects for the first lady
Camille Y. Johnston
Special assistant to the president and director of communications for the first lady
Melissa E. Winter
Special assistant to the president and deputy chief of staff to the first lady
David S. Medina
Deputy chief of staff to the first lady
Catherine M. Lelyveld
Director and press secretary to the first lady
Frances M. Starkey
Director of scheduling and advance for the first lady
Trooper Sanders
Deputy director of policy and projects for the first lady
Jennifer R. Goodman
Deputy director of scheduling and events coordinator for the first lady
Alan Fitts
Deputy director of advance and trip director for the first lady
Dana M. Lewis
Special assistant and personal aide to the first lady
Semonti M. Mustaphi
Associate director and deputy press secretary to the first lady
Kristen E. Jarvis
Special assistant for scheduling and traveling aide to the first lady
Tyler A. Lechtenberg
Associate director of correspondence for the first lady
Joseph J. Boswell
Executive assistant to the chief of staff to the first lady
Deilia A. Jackson
Deputy associate director of correspondence for the first lady
Source: 2009 report to Congress on White House personnel
Melania Trump Staff Salaries in 2017
Lindsay B. Reynolds
Assistant to the president and chief of staff to the first lady
Stephanie A. Grisham
Special assistant to the president and director of communications for the first lady
Timothy G. Tripepi
Special assistant to the president and deputy chief of staff of operations for the first lady
Mary‐Kathryn Fisher
Deputy director of advance for the first lady
Source: 2017 report to Congress on White House personnel