That is what happened to Tommy Johnson some 20 years ago. Since then he has been plagued by what he refers to as The Black Thing. It appears as a black cloud mostly assuming no definite figure, but occasionally it resembles a profile. Tommy recalls the happenings of that night when he returned home. "I had my first visit from what I can only describe as "The Black Thing". While lying in bed, this “thing” fell on me and it felt like I was being pushed down thru the bed and the floor, into a pit if you will! I struggled with it and managed to somehow escape its clutches," tells Tommy.
Since that night Tommy has been attacked and haunted by the mysterious black figure. Even Tommy's family has come into contact with The Black Thing. One of his grandchildren claims to have spoken to it. The Black Thing asked to be referred to as Marcello. Desperate, Tommy contacted anyone he could think of to learn all he could about his supernatural finding. "I finally talked to someone who is versed in these things and was told that the only way to rid myself of this thing was to pass the unopened jar on to someone else," tells Tommy. He then placed the jar up for auction on e-bay with a starting bid of $99.00. The link quickly circulated throughout the Internet. Unfortunately for Tommy a majority of the bids made on the precious jar were bogus astronomical bids. It only brought negative attention to him and his home. Ultimately the winning bidder too was a bogus bidder and Tommy still holds the jar.

The Cemetary where Tommy Johnson found the jars
Tommy currently sells floppy discs containing the short video clip on his website. The initial copies seemed to have plagued their new owners. "Since getting it, my computer has been going haywire and usually at the most inappropriate times! I've also been having nightmares, something which I seldom ever do," states one purchaser.

The remaining unopened jar
Tommy Johnson found
After receiving a number of such correspondences, Tommy searched through the old journal and found a containment spell. Tommy now claims that The Black Thing is completely contained within the disc.
I myself experienced problems in contacting Tommy. When I attempted to call him, his phone did not ring at all in his home. He attempted to email me multiple times, yet I received only a portion of the emails. Tommy has not let Marcello rule his life. He has not even let the ridicule he has received rule his life. This, I am sure, is a daunting task to say the least. I am not sure what Tommy brought into his life two decades ago, but it certainly was not a helpful spirit. I cannot imagine living my life with a spirit making itself fully known and running rampant throughout my house.